An engaging and educational event that deals with human anatomy, highlighting its role in understanding and addressing challenges in healthcare and science.
1st – 5,000 2nd– 3,000 Registration Fees: Rs.200
Enhance Understanding of Human Anatomy Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills Bridge the Gap Between Theory and Practice Team work
Teams must consist of a Maximum 3 participants.
Each team must designate one leader who will be the point of contact for the event organizers.
All teams must start at the designated “Entry Point” and receive their rst clue at the same time.
Teams should remain in the order of clues provided; no skipping stations &Teams must complete each station’s task before moving to the next.
Each team will get clues same up to 3 stations and then reduce clues from station to station. If those teams fail to receive the clues they will be eliminated.
Whenever nds the solution rst within the time limit.
1. Scan QR Code and pay registration fees using any payment app. 2. Take a screen shot of payment receipt. 3. Scan QR Code for registration form, fill it and upload payment receipt.