Scientific research activity (SRA) is a constituent part of university studies. It is very important that this activity is consequently developed, and that the students acquired necessary research activity competencies.
This will help the students to assess the research question or hypothesis, scrutinizing the study design and methodology, critically examining the data collection and analysis methods, and considering the validity and reliability of the findings.
1st – 5,000
2nd– 3,000
Registration Fees: Rs.100
Round 1:
Round 2:
Venue: Pharmacy Auditorium, SOP Building
Faculty Co-ordinators :
Dr. Jahanvee Chanpura,
+91 9601299676,
Dr. Praval Chauhan,
+91 7869577587,
Student Co-ordinators :
Diya Vyas,
+91 8490003394,
Krutika Bhatt,
+91 8347082347,
1. Scan QR Code and pay registration fees using any payment app.
2. Take a screen shot of payment receipt.
3. Scan QR Code for registration form, fill it and upload payment receipt.