Illuminati 2024

Illuminati 2024

Investment Wizard

The competition aims at exposing students of ITMBU to the real-world investment opportunities that will
enable them to make effective investment decisions when they start earning. They can showcase their
financial planning skills in this competition.


1st – 15,000
2nd– 5,000
Registration Fees: Rs.200

Duration 5 Hours (3 Hours for Round 1 and 2 Hours for Round 2)

Number of Rounds: 2 Rounds


  • Individual students or teams can participate. (Maximum three students per team will be allowed).
  • Students or teams of any School of ITM(SLS) Baroda University can participate.
  • One team can have students from different schools also.
  • All team members must be present on the date of the Presentation.
  • The decisions of the organizers will be final and binding on all participants

ROUND 1: Let’s invest!


Duration : 3 Hours


  1. The participants will be given a Case (scenario) that will include an individual’s income, expenditure, and long-term and short-term responsibilities.
  2. Using an investing simulation game, they will be required to build a portfolio by investing in various asset classes like Shares (Equity, Preference), mutual funds, metals, Property, and fixed deposits.
  3. All investments must be done using the moneybhai virtual trading platform. real-time exposure
  4. All groups participating in round 1 will participate in round 2 as well.

ROUND 2: Presentation and Q&A


Duration: 10 Minutes per group


  1. The teams will present their Portfolio to the expert and Judging committee. The presentation should include:
  2. Details of Portfolio
  3. Rationale behind investment/ financial decisions
  4. The participants will be ranked based on the quality of their portfolio as per the given Case (scenario), investment rationale, and understanding of the market.

Faculty Co-ordinators :


Prof. Latika Karnani,

+91 9998876836,


Prof. Sonalee Telang,

+91 9111128184,


Dr. Komal Gupta,

+91 7400523999,

Student Co-ordinators :


Jigar Khunt,

+91 7359069057,


Brijesh Dodia,

+91 7041045747,


Harshil Rao,

+91 9328599666,

1. Scan QR Code and pay registration fees using any payment app.
2. Take a screen shot of payment receipt.
3. Scan QR Code for registration form, fill it and upload payment receipt.

Registration QR Code

Payment Registration QR Code